January 2025 (5 months)
DEX Server - A TypeScript-based tRPC server for Solana, providing protected API endpoints for building and sponsoring user transactions.
January 2025 (5 months)
worked on
Tub - A mobile trading app for memecoins on Solana with a full backend stack and curated algorithm.
January 2025 (4 months)
DEX Indexer - A fully-fledged TypeScript indexer for DEX trades on Solana using Yellowstone GRPC.
January 2025 (4 months)
DEX GraphQL - A type-safe GraphQL client for querying DEX trades and tokens, built on a Hasura backend and supercharged with TimescaleDB, for optimized time-series capabilities.
2024September 2024 (3 months)
worked on
Primodium Empires - A fully onchain, turn-based, prediction market game.
September 2024 (6 months)
Reactive Tables - A TypeScript state management library for building onchain games on top of MUD.
September 2024 (57 days)
Gasless server - A TypeScript server library for creating a gasless server with MUD-compliant Ethereum smart contracts.
June 2024 (3 months)
worked on
Primodium v0.11 - A fully onchain space-based, empire building MMO game.
April 2024 (59 days)
worked on
savvy - An interface for the EVM on the browser, to simulate & visualize onchain activity.
April 2024 (43 days)
contributed to
Tevm - Lately with a Next.js example integrating Tevm.
March 2024 (40 days)
researched on
airdrop gas benchmarks - A series of tests to measure gas usage for popular airdrop patterns with various token standards and airdrop mechanisms.
February 2024 (12 days)
researched on
gas metering comparison - Measuring how various libraries/frameworks report gas usage against testnet transactions, for a specific set of calldata.
2023December 2023 (22 days)
contributed to
Glider - Testing the tool from Hexens during a Secureum workshop, contributing to the documentation.
December 2023 (21 days)
researched on
ERC1155A - Fuzzing Superform's ERC1155A, an extension of ERC1155 with extended approval and transmute logic.
November 2023 (5 days)
researched on
storage collision - An example of how some automated testing tools will behave with a very precise storage collision exploit.
June 2023 (21 days)
hacked on
cascade - (Just another attempt at a) decentralized automated crowdfunding platform, with automated and flexible recurring payments.
May 2023 (4 months)
experimented with
esthesis - An immersive 3D visualizer for music NFTs across different platforms
March 2023 (44 days)
contributed to
Chainlink Functions - Testing Chainlink Functions during Alpha (01-03/2023) and Beta (09/2023); provided some now outdated examples: Next.js starter, cross-chain aggregation, onchain Twitter verifier.
February 2023 (40 days)
experimented with
poligraph - A 3D graph to help visualize political relationships in the French Assemblée Nationale.
February 2023 (14 days)
experimented with
echoes - A contemplative yet interactive collectible, made of particles, as part of an immersive audiovisual experience.
January 2023 (9 months)
worked on
metaverse - An example of 3D audio integration in a virtual world on the browser.
2022November 2022 (34 days)
hacked on
promise - Built to help improve trust in our digital relationships and make founders more accountable for their promises; Chainlink Top Quality Projects, QuickNode 1st Prize.