Blockchain, but for real
Some explanations about blockchain: current perception, what is it actually, how it works, perspectives for the future, and what to do now.
November 07, 2023
(12 days)
La blockchain, mais pour de vrai
Quelques explications sur la blockchain : perceptions actuelles, ce que c'est réellement, fonctionnement, perspectives futures, ce qu'on peut faire maintenant...
November 07, 2023
(12 days)
Decentralized systems, End the Cycle of Indifference
How traditional democracies tend to favor indifference, through delegation of knowledge and awareness, and how decentralized systems can help by incentivizing active participation in governance.
October 17, 2023
(6 days)
Chainlink's New Dawn
A reflection on Chainlink's latest milestones, and key aspects from a developer's perspective.
October 02, 2023
(11 days)
Smart Contract Security, Terminology of a Review
Navigating the rambling world of smart contract security, and specifically the terminology/technical jargon, from the perspective of a newcomer.
September 18, 2023
(2 days)
Lesson #0, Fundamentals of Solidity Storage
The storage layout in the EVM, how data is meticulously stored and managed with Solidity.
June 29, 2023
(2 days)
L'audio immersif dans les mondes virtuels
Une place pour l’audio immersif dans le Web 3.0 : intégration dans le métavers; adaptation à un nouveau modèle, immersion dans un espace en pleine expansion, expériences immersives accessibles et avancées...
July 07, 2022
(5 months)
What is the metaverse anyway?
Breaking through some of the most common misconceptions.
May 14, 2022
(5 days)