4. References
Tweets from @PatrickAlphaC
Patrick Collins, on what hybrid-fuzzing is and how to use it, 2022–12–09;
Patrick Collins, on the key aspects of fuzz testing and (vs) invariant testing, 2023–02–10;
Patrick Collins, on symbolic execution as a form of formal verification, 2023–03–2023;
Patrick Collins, deeper dive into formal verification and symbolic execution, 2023–04–26;
Patrick Collins, on the “Rekt Test” by Trail of Bits, 2023–08–15.
Tweets from @SpearbitDAO
Rajeev Gopalakrishna, Audit Techniques & Tools 101, Secureum, 2021–11–07.
Brock Elmore, You’re writing require statements wrong, Nascent, 2023–06–30.